Robert Cerasa is a registered patent agent who focuses on the preparation and prosecution of both domestic and international patent applications. He also routinely performs patent and prior art searches, provides technical assistance, technology evaluation, and assists patent attorneys on freedom-to-operate reports and patentability opinions. As a patent agent, Robert has worked on patent applications across an array of industries including, but not limited to, biotech, medical devices, and software applications.
Robert understands how bewildering the patent process can be, especially for independent inventors. He aims to make the patent process as straightforward as possible for every client, frequently providing to clients easily digestible resources and examples for complex concepts. Robert understands each client is unique and believes simplifying the patent process yields better patents. In the words of one-time patent clerk Albert Einstein, “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
Robert takes this same approach to patent applications. Another goal of his is to draft comprehensive applications that convey inventions without ambiguity. He utilizes his creativity and attention to detail in order to maximize the scope of claims and meet client’s goals. Robert is diligent and takes into consideration market competition, potential challenges, and long-term portfolio management for his clients.
Robert holds himself to high ethical standards. He understands that inventive concepts are the result of tremendous effort and deserve utmost confidentiality. Robert strives to provide USPTO communication to clients in a timely manner as well as stay up-to-date on current Office procedures.
Robert attended Arizona State University, graduating with a B.S. in Biological Sciences. Outside of the office, he is an avid fantasy football player, history enthusiast, and outdoorsman. Robert is an Eagle Scout and takes the scout motto “Be Prepared” to heart in the patent profession.
In all aspects of his work, Robert Cerasa is dedicated to providing exceptional service and support to his clients. He strives to exceed expectations and achieve the best possible outcomes for every inventor he serves. His passion for innovation, combined with his attention to detail and commitment to excellence, makes him a trusted partner in navigating the complex patent landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned industry professional or an independent inventor, you can rely on Robert to guide you through every step of the patenting process with clarity, integrity, and professionalism.