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Category: What Inventors Need to Know

The 16th annual Music is Art Festival is happening tomorrow! On Saturday, September 8th, hundreds of bands, dancers, and artists will once again take over the Riverworks complex for a

Are you an Inventor? If you have an invention or one is coming underway, this article is for you. Creating an invention always brings some prospect of revenue. Inventions can

Algorithms have considerably changed they way internet users see content. While many website visitors may expect to first see a reverse chronological list of content, this is not always the is a Buffalo-based, woman-owned business that specializes in personalized and branded hockey gifts, souvenir mini baseball bats, mini lacrosse sticks, official hockey pucks, custom lapel pins and sport awards.

Buffalo-based SmartPrint3D is an innovative start-up utilizing cutting-edge 3d printing technology for rapid prototyping as well as product development and design. Vince LoTempio recently had the opportunity to interview SmartPrint3D

This week, LoTempio Law’s own Vincent LoTempio was interviewed by 97Rock’s Morning Bull. Vincent spoke about his history and experience with the patent process, new start-ups and inventions, and of

Love tacos? Enjoy alliteration? Well hold the sour cream because the trademark of “Taco Tuesday” has an owner. Taco John’s, a Cheyenne, Wyoming-based fast-food restaurant featuring Mexican-styled cuisine, is that

What do the Krusty Krab, the General Lee, and the Daily Planet all have in common? They all have been granted trademark protection, despite not being referenced in the titles

The clothing manufacturing company Atelier Chiang Mai is an innovative workshop that allows anyone the opportunity to produce any type of garment you can imagine. Recently in my travels to