Baseball Patents
We discussed the patents related to football in our previous patents. However, there are so many cool patents in every sport! So this week, we will be discussing some of the baseball related patents! The Baseball The baseball is one of the most distinguishable balls in sports. One patent related to the baseball is U.S. […]
Interview with Thomas J. Colson, Esq.

We had the chance to interview Thomas J. Colson Esq. of Colson Law Group and learn more about his book, “Envy Down: Embrace the Adversity in your Life.” Check the interview out below! What is your name? Thomas J. Colson, Esq.; Colson Law Group I have been an attorney for over 30 years…a field that […]
Football and Patents

Football is probably the most popular sport in the United States. Not only that, the Super Bowl is probably the most anticipated American sports event. In this week’s blog post, we will be looking at some of the patents that relate to football. From helmets to balls, we’re going to cover it all (okay, not […]
Patented Cooking Instruments!

Everyday we use some sort of cooking appliance or tool to prepare our foods. Whether it’s microwaving your favorite frozen pizza or toasting a breakfast pastry, cooking appliances provide some of the greatest conveniences known to man. However, did you know that many of the appliances that we use today were protected by patents at […]
Patents on the Gear Used in Fight Sports

“And it’s Goodnight Irene!” That’s probably a phrase you heard once or twice from Michael “The Voice” Schiavello if you watch sports like kickboxing, MMA or boxing. Kickboxing, MMA, and boxing are sports where there is an almost guaranteed chance of someone getting hurt. That’s why proper protection is extremely important. The gloves, the headgear, […]
Trademark Talk with Erin, Ep. 11: What if someone is using my trademark?

Episode 11 of Trademark Talk with Erin is now out! Episode 11 discussed situations where someone other than the trademark owner uses the trademark. In relation to Episode 11, we will be discussing unauthorized use of the trademark, trademark infringement, and possible defenses. Unauthorized Use of Trademark What happens when an unauthorized party uses the […]
Trademark Talk with Erin, Ep. 10: What is a Generic Mark?

Episode 10 of Trademark Talk with Erin is now out on Youtube! We have previously discussed inherently distinctive marks and non inherently distinctive marks such as descriptive marks. In this week’s blog post, we will be discussing generic marks. What is a Generic Mark A generic mark can be thought of as a word. label, […]
Trademark Talk with Erin, Ep. 9: When can I use the “TM,” “SM,” and “®” symbols?

Episode 9 of Trademark Talk with Erin is now out! In this week’s blog post, we will discuss some of the topics mentioned in Episode 9 of Trademark Talk with Erin. Namely, when can you use the “TM,” “SM,” and “®” symbols? Additionally, what exactly do these symbols mean? The “®” symbol The United States […]
Trademark Talk with Erin, Ep. 8:How long does trademark protection last, and how do I maintain my trademark registration?

Episode 8 of Trademark Talk with Erin is now out! In association with Episode 8, we will be discussing how long a trademark lasts and how you can protect your trademark. The Life of Trademark Have you ever wondered how long protection for a trademark actually lasts? We know that patents generally last about 20 […]
Trademark Talk with Erin, Ep. 7: What is a distinctive trademark?

Episode 7 of Trademark Talk with Erin is now out! Episode 7 discussed inherently distinctive marks. In this week’s blog post, we will expand a little bit more on inherently distinctive marks and discuss the differences between suggestive, arbitrary, and fanciful marks. What is an Inherently Distinctive Mark? We’re going to explain what inherently distinctive […]