YouTube patent channel hits 100,000 views
I started taking and answering patent and trademark related questions on YouTube a couple years ago. At first we started with just a moving PowerPoint type of a presentation “How to patent an invention” and then quickly decided to try something more visual. Because I was quoted over $6,000 for just a few minutes of video, I decided to shoot the video myself.
I bought some high-end editing software, some professional umbrella lighting along with a green screen and microphone. We started with “ask the patent attorney” on the patent home YouTube site.
And I put a one 800-number that goes directly to my cell phone and lo and behold after just a couple of years now I have over 100,000 views and more than 1,000 subscribers.
I’ve received many compliments and a few suggestions on how to improve the show. But I believe I’ve given out a lot of free information and educated a lot of inventors over the last couple years. If you have any questions you’d like to present to a registered patent attorney, feel free to call 877-351-5547 and talk to me directly.
I try to answer questions by providing free advice to people worldwide. We do our best to connect with inventors regarding intellectual property laws.
I just implemented our new Patent F&Q’s and plan on posting more soon! Come back to check out the new videos, below is a video showing the difference between provisional and non-provisional patents. The patent videos help educate viewers about patent laws on a level that requires no legal background.