We had the chance to interview Thomas J. Colson Esq. of Colson Law Group and learn more about his book, “Envy Down: Embrace the Adversity in your Life.” Check the interview out below!
What is your name?
Thomas J. Colson, Esq.; Colson Law Group
I have been an attorney for over 30 years…a field that forces people to become skilled writers.
What is your background as a writer and how long have you been involved with this industry?
I have been writing since I was a child. I have written over a dozen manuscripts and hundreds of legal briefs, training scripts, and papers.
Where are you located?
Western New York
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
I have written a book entitled, “Envy Down: Embrace the Adversity in your Life” and I would like to impact as many people as possible with my stories and message. In my more than 50 years, I’ve met way too many people who don’t value their struggle.
No matter how diligently they persevere in the face of one crippling storm after another, rather than feeling pride, somehow, they feel shame. For no good reason, they feel as if slaying the vicious and relentless dragons in their lives, day after day, is not worthy of applause and respect. Instead, they envy those who haven’t even seen a dragon much less slain one.
They envy those with easier lives who will walk across the graduation stage of life looking at their feet; small and insignificant. In what sane world would people who have overcome the least feel pride and those who have overcome the most feel shame?
This mentality is upside down. It might be difficult to see at the moment, but the adversity in your life is necessary to turn you into something; something strong, something magnificent, something beautiful.
Never forget that our time on earth is merely a moment, a drop in the vast ocean of eternity. And, at the end of this moment, those who endured the most challenging lives, those who had to fight the hardest, those who were handed the least, will be revered the most.
How did your idea for Envy Down come about?
The death of my son coupled with seeing so many people struggling negatively with the hardship in their lives.
What were some of your concern in writing Envy Down?
My book contains many personal stories and it is a bit unsettling to share some of those stories with the world.
What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?
- First, I love the escape. When you’re writing, you enter another world, a place where imagination replaces reality, where control replaces chaos, and where the stresses of real life disappear.
- Second, I love seeing the impact my writing has on others.
As a writer, what advice could you give to help others actually write a book?
Millions of people talk about writing a book, but few actually finish…or even start. After asking hundreds of writer wannabes why, I’ve concluded that the project just seems too big, too overwhelming. So, to shrink the project, I recommend drafting a detailed outline. It’s kind of like taping before painting a room. Once the outline is finished, you’re no longer writing a whole book, you’re just writing chapters. Also, pick your writing days or nights and never, ever miss one.
What are the top 3 skills you believe are needed to be a successful writer?
As a writer, you need to be a good thinker, an engaging writer, and committed to writing every day.
Here’s a link to Amazon where you can buy Envy Down. https://www.amazon.com/Envy-Down-Embrace-Adversity-your/dp/1652371931/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Envy+Down&qid=1581710888&sr=8-1
Here’s a link to some of the interviews I’ve done in the past: https://www.lotempiolaw.com/?s=interview
What are your thoughts on the interview with Thomas J. Colson Esq. and his new book, “Envy Down?” Leave a comment below to let us know what you think!
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