Some More Interesting Patents

Patents are one of the strongest forms of intellectual property protection a party can obtain. Patents gives a party the exclusive right to make use, sell, offer for sale, or import into the United States a patented invention. However, some patents are eye catching because of their unique inventive concept. Let’s take a look at some of the patents we find interesting.

Leaf gathering trousers: U.S. 6,604,245

Ever want to take a stroll through your yard and clean it at the same time? Then try these rake pants! These pants allow you to rake leaves as you walk. It may be a little difficult to push that giant 4 feet leaf pile with these trousers, but you just have to power through.

Apparatus and method for carrying a child: U.S. 6,241,136

Do you ever wonder if there is a way to carry a child in a fun and exciting fashion? With this device, an adult and a child can take walks together. This device can possibly act as a saddle for the adult to carry the child to and from destinations. They’re probably great for family vacations and gatherings.

Collar apparatus enabling secure handling of a snake by tether: U.S. 6,490,999

Are you tired of not being able to walk your pet snake or giant anaconda? Do you wish there was some way, just some way, you could take your reptilian friend out for a nice slither in the sun? Well now with this convenient snake walker device, you can. This leash allows you to secure your scaly friend so you both can enjoy a nice walk in the park. Now your pet friend can say “sssssssssss-thanks-ssssss” after you both burn off a few calories traveling up and down the block.

Apparatus for simulating a “high five:” U.S. 5,356,330

Have you ever felt that you’ve been left “hanging” once too many times? With this nifty device, you will never have to feel that way again. This high-fiver machine will provide you all the high-fives you need.

Device for the quick and easy use of a small size cellular telephone: U.S. 6,796,467

Logan (Wolverine) has his retractable adamantium claws. Ezio from Assassin’s Creed has his retractable wrist blades. And you? You can be armed with a retractable cell phone. Want to pull out your phone Assassin Creed style? This device allows your phone to pop out of your wrist attachment in a style similar to Ezio to pick up a phone calls from your boss, like a boss.

Musical instrument adapted to emit a controlled flame: U.S. 4,247,283

Want to add some flare to your Friday Night Jazz performance? Maybe spice things up for that musical you’ve been training so hard for? Then how about using a flamethrower instrument? No seriously. There are actually instruments capable of emitting both wonderful musical notes and blistering flames simultaneously. This patent covers various devices that can produce controlled flames while being played. How’s that for pizzazz?

Patent 4,605,000- Greenhouse helmet

Ever want some extra fresh oxygen? Maybe get oxygen right away from the source? Or maybe you just want to take your plants with you as you go for a nice jog? With this invention, you can place your plant friend near your head in this helmet, thus giving them some mobility. So you get both company and direct oxygen, all in one convenient invention. However, having cacti that close to your face while running may not be the safest thing to do.

What are your thoughts on these interesting patents? Leave a comment below to let us know what you think!

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Disclaimer: This article is not legal advice. It is only for educational or entertainment purposes only. Please do not use the article or contents of the article without permission. For legal advice and questions, please contact registered Patent Attorney Vincent LoTempio.

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