The training that can get you financing for your business

Are you an entrepreneur? Are you interested in learning more on how to increase your capital and grow your business?

Then this article may be just what you need.

Starting March 29, the Small Business Association (or the “SBA”) will be offering a Finance Boot Camp to interested entrepreneurs. BEST OF ALL, IT’S FREE!!

Why attend the SBA Finance Boot Camp?

Both credit and capital are crucial to any business. It would be hard to imagine a business that does not need credit or capital. However, businesses will always face some sort of obstacle while trying to grow and obtain credit and capital.  Some businesses resolve these obstacles with ease, while others may struggle a bit more to overcome them. But sometimes, having the right tools may make all the difference in the world and separates one business from another.

The SBA Finance Boot Camp “will provide you with the tools to prepare you to pursue the financing you may need to take your business to the next level.” So if you’re a business that may have difficulty in getting credit and capital, the Finance Boot Camp may give you the proper tools you need to overcome certain obstacles.

Additionally, the SBA Finance Boot Camp “gives businesses the tools to succeed when looking for financing.”

A little more detail on the Finance Boot Camp.

The SBA Finance Boot aims to help businesses build the foundation needed when searching for finance. When looking for loans, businesses need “to understand their strategic and SMART goals when looking for a new business loan.”  The Finance Boot Camp provides information on strategic planning for your business, understanding the credit rating process, understanding financial statements, effective negotiation strategies and preparing a loan proposal.

However,”[t]he most important skill this program provides is an understanding for you, the entrepreneur, about what you can ask for and what negotiating leverage you have when going to get a business loan.” Last, but not least, the SBA Finance Boot Camp can provide tips from professionals on getting financed.

So what’s required?

  • Must be a small business who has been operating for two years or more
  • Must have a completed business plan
  • Your business must be in pursuit of financing within the next two years
  • You must participate in all 6 training sessions to participate in the Lending Matchmaker


Seating is limited!

This golden opportunity is only available to 12 entrepreneurs! So sign up quickly!


When, where, and who to contact.

When:      March 29, April  5, 12, 19, 26 & May 3, 10

The 7 week series will run Thursday Afternoons from 12:30  pm to 4:00pm.  PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.


Where:      Niagara Center

130 South Elmwood Ave., Suite 423

Buffalo, NY, 14202


Who to contact:

Email: to register

or call: (716)551-5670

For the SBA Finance Boot Camp webpage, click here.



Other areas that may be important for businesses.


Financing and obtaining credit and capital are undoubtedly crucial to any business. But there are some other areas that may be important to businesses too. These areas include a business’s intellectual property rights such as copyright protection, trademark protection, trade secret protection and even potentially patent protection.

It’s important to know the differences between these areas since copyright, trademarks, trade secret, and patents all protect different things.


Copyright law provides protection for original works of authorship. The scope of copyright law is quite expansive and there are numerous things that can qualify for copyright protection. From pictures to software to movies, copyright law protects all these areas. This is especially relevant for businesses engaged in producing products that qualify for copyright protection.

To read more about copyright, click here.


Trademark law on the other hand protects a mark or some sort of identifier used in association with a source such as a business. So if you are a business that uses a logo or catch phrase, that logo or catch phrase may potentially qualify for federal trademark protection. Trademark protection is important since logos or catch phrases help consumers differentiate a business from their competitors. Trademark law also permits the mark owner to stop another party from using the same or similar mark.

To read more about trademarks, click here.


There are different kinds of patents, but the one that will be discussed are utility patents. Utility patents provide protection for inventions. Thus, patent protection would be crucial for businesses that create some type of new invention and plan on selling it. Patent protection is extremely strong and gives the patent owner the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for sale, and importing an invention.

To read more about patents, click here.

Want more information business related materials? Here’s a video!

Trade secret

Trade secrets provide protection for a formula, practice, process, design, instrument, pattern, commercial method, or compilation of information not generally known and the owner of the trade secret derives an economic benefit or advantage in keeping that the trade secret generally unknown to others. Steps need to be taken to ensure that the trade secret is kept a secret or else the trade secret may lose its value.

What are your thoughts on these important areas for businesses? Tell us what you think and leave a comment below!

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be legal advice and is meant to be for educational or entertainment purposes only. Please do not use the article or contents of the article without permission. For legal advice and questions, please contact registered Patent Attorney Vincent LoTempio.

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