Inventor Debbie Sullivan will be appearing on My Cool Inventions on Halloween, Monday, October 31st for her patented magnetic accessory line, Kae & Cami. Named for her two daughters, Kaelyn and Camryn, Kae & Cami is a collection of design hearts and interchangeable magnetic jewelry attachments which are worn with a variety of apparel including scarves, T-shirts, beach wraps, pashminas, bandanas, headwear, drape front shirts, and midriff tops. The Kae & Cami website will launch on Monday, October 31st. We interviewed the inventor about her patented magnetic accessory line, her journey as an inventor and her next steps.
Tell me a little about you and how you came up with your great invention.
I am like many moms in America…inspired and lucky to be sharing a home with girls. My daughters Kaelyn (25) and Camryn (17) are all about fashion. About 5 years ago we were trying to solve a common fashion dilemma. Our idea was born in our closet while trying to figure out how to make that shirt “fit” without tying a knot or using a ponytail holder. Thinking “there has to be a better way” we put our imaginations to work came up with our solution: Kae & Cami…Heart and Soul A Unique Connection.
What is your product? How does your invention make your customers’ lives better?
Kae & Cami is a patented magnetic accessory line which helps “fit and style” your tops, scarves, pashminas, head wraps, cover ups, dresses and more. Our Heart and Soul collection eliminates the need to knot or tie your apparel. Simply thread the fabric through the Heart and connect it with our Soul. It’s that easy. No damage, bulkiness or drooping of the fabric. Customers can create their own style whether it be chic, polished or fun! Our Soul can also be worn as a stand-alone magnetic accessory piece for the clothing you don’t want to damage with a pin backing. Think about safely accessorizing your silk blouses and leather jackets, something that has not been easily done until now.
Our driving force was belief in the idea. There was something that kept telling us to push past the inevitable hurdles. We honestly believed our idea was a really simple and fun solution to fashion problem. Advice from many knowledgeable people convinced us to follow through. Vincent LoTempio offered us wonderful advice on so many aspects of the product; legal, manufacturing and marketing. His personal touch was invaluable and gave us some much needed hand-holding and confidence along the way. We were granted a Utility Patent in 2016 and have 2 other Design Patents Pending, thanks to Vincent.
How are you / will you be marketing your invention to your target customers?
Our target market is girls from 10-90+ years old. Our website which will launch during our web and radio contest broadcast on Halloween, Monday, October, 31st at . We have been contacted by SHARK TANK and are in the running for the show. As a stepping stone to SHARK TANK and the sales needed to appear on the show, we are competing on My Cool Inventions Radio (MCI), a web show which reaches 250,000 listeners/viewers per day. Winners of the “Thumbs Up” voting on MCI are invited to appear and sell on HSN, Home Shopping Network, American Dreams.
When will you be on “My Cool Inventions”? How can listeners tune in?
Listeners can go to on Monday, October 31st. The video of our show will be available there. Clicking VOTE will access the contest for our product Kae & Cami for 24 hours. A “THUMBS UP” vote would be so helpful for us to reach our goal of appearing on HSN and hopefully SHARK TANK.
How did you get in touch with the radio network?
Vincent introduced me to this great opportunity. Another client of his, Joe Iannello from Buffalo, had been a major hit on the My Cool Inventions (MCI) show. His product, Spray and Mow, was very successful with “Thumbs Up” voting across the country during his MCI broadcast. He was selected as an inventor to appear and sell on HSN, American Dreams segment. His invention, Spray and Mow, continues to be featured on HSN. Amazing success story! This is the type of collaboration I have benefitted from through my friendship with Vince.
What 3 pieces of advice would you offer other inventors developing products or who maybe have a great invention idea, but haven’t yet pursued it?
1. The best advice I received was from my brother, Richard Amico, an attorney and colleague of Vince’s. “Protect your idea!”. He sent me to Vincent. Once you have done your research you need to hand it over to an experienced patent attorney to guide you. The answers to many questions lie in this connection. The time savings is crucial and the correct answers will set you on the right path.
2. Be positive! Believe in your idea and don’t let issues that come up deter you! Take it one step at a time and breathe…
3. I read a quote at the college my daughter Camryn committed to next year, Philadelphia University. She will be studying Fashion Merchandising and Management and playing lacrosse. The school focuses on developing entrepreneurs and innovators. The Design School’s donor, Larry Field, wrote “Entrepreneurs must have the courage to take risks while following their dreams. They must have the strength of character to follow through because anything is possible if you work hard and never quit.”
Going back to your business’s beginnings, what process did you follow to develop a prototype for your invention?
I was fortunate to have direction on this from great business people. I would suggest retaining a designer to help you with the CAD and prototype work. I have many prototypes (good and bad) which led me to my ultimate product lines. I learned something from every one of them. Technology improved dramatically over the 5 years we spent creating. It is now possible to have a 3-D version of your idea in your hand within days. Simply amazing!
If you could start the inventing process over, what would you do differently? What would you re-do?
I wish I could have secured my manufacturer sooner. The right partner has made the process more streamlined and incredibly productive.
Is there anything else that other inventors should know?
Seek advice…ask questions of others. My experience is that people are so generous with their time and intention. So many people have helped us along the way. We have been so lucky to be guided by wonderful family, friends and professionals who have shared their insight and opinions to allow us to reach this point. Without their help we would not have been able to follow our dreams.
Is there anything else that you want people to know about your invention?
Our magnetic accessory line can truly transform a girls’ wardrobe. We see it a unique gift idea for women of all ages. A new idea for the girl who seems to have everything. We hope we are successful in bringing our vision to reality.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you for the opportunity to share our story. Good Luck to all future inventors!
Please provide the link to the voting so we can send people to vote!
We would be so grateful for a “THUMBS UP” vote at , on Halloween, Monday, October 31st! There will be just 24 hours to cast your vote. Thank you!