Have An Idea For An App? Here’s What To Do!

Have an idea for an app? Here's how to protect your app idea, get your app made, distribute it, and market it. It's not as hard as you might think!

Have an idea for an app?  Don’t have any coding skills?  Well, you’re just like the rest of us; but that shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your idea.

Most ideas don’t slip between the cracks and fall by the way side because people don’t have a particular skill, or enough capital; they get pushed to the back burner because of lack of execution.  How many times have you said to yourself: “One day, I’ll do…”.

Well, if you have an idea for a mobile app, don’t let that example be you; because it’s easier than you think.

PLUS:  We have good news for you!  You can get your app idea protected, get your app developed, and distribute and market your app all from one place!

But where do you start?


Protect your app idea.  We learned in Patent Attorney Vincent LoTempio’s video: “Can you patent an app? Is computer software patentable?” that it is possible to protect your app idea.  Now, I always recommend speaking with the professionals, such as the aforementioned patent attorney, but there are ways of patenting your idea for an app.  Watch:

Contact Vin LoTempio today at 1-877-351-5547 and get the process started.  The conversation is simple and so is the process.

But then what?

Ready your app idea for development: Unless you're a skilled mobile app developer, you're going to want to organize your ideas about your mobile app in a fashion that will be conducive to getting your app developed. You don't need to be a whiz in flow charts and process maps; but you're going to want to think about: How do you want your app to look? What operating systems do you want it to be on? (Android, Apple's iOS) What will your app do? What is the elevator pitch for your app? (How would you describe your app in 1 or 2 sentences?) What is your budget for your app? You're going to want to have these items in mind and then head on over to Source Approach. We're a Mobile App Development Company with over 200+ projects and we're happy to work with you on developing your app idea into a reality that you'll be proud to show to the world. Simply fill out the form and we'll be in touch to get the process started.

Ready your app idea for development:  Unless you’re a skilled mobile app developer, you’re going to want to organize your ideas about your mobile app in a fashion that will be conducive to getting your app developed.  You don’t need to be a whiz in flow charts and process maps; but you’re going to want to think about:

  • How do you want your app to look?
  • What operating systems do you want it to be on? (Android, Apple’s iOS)
  • What will your app do?
  • What is the elevator pitch for your app?  (How would you describe your app in 1 or 2 sentences?)
  • What is your budget for your app?
  • How will you monetize your app?  Will it be free to download and show ads?  Will it be free to download but charge for additional content within the app?  Will you charge to download it?

You’re going to want to have these items in mind and then head on over to Source Approach.  We’re a Mobile App Development Company with over 200+ projects and we’re happy to work with you on developing your app idea into a reality that you’ll be proud to show to the world.  Simply fill out the form and we’ll be in touch to get the process started.

As mentioned, you don’t have to have coding knowledge to get an app developed.  We work with you to discuss your project without using “jargon” so we can get down to focusing on what’s important; getting your app developed and ready go.

You're ready to launch your app: At this point, you're ready for a product launch. Never launched a product before? No worries, here are a few pointers to get you started... You're going to want to build a "launch list" ahead of time; capturing email addresses of people who would be interested in your app. This is usually done on your website. Don't have a website for your app? That's a must! Make sure and set up social channels for your app to help get the conversation going and drum up interest. Plus; then you'll have a built in fan base ready to go to continue the conversation once your app is out in the field for consumers to love. Make sure the people trying the app are leaving reviews for you. Plus many more creative ideas! This article has 25 free ways to promote your app.

So it’s ready to go, then what?

You’re ready to launch your app:  At this point, you’re ready for a product launch.  Never launched a product before?  No worries, here are a few pointers to get you started…

  • You’re going to want to build a “launch list” ahead of time; capturing email addresses of people who would be interested in your app.  This is usually done on your website.
  • Don’t have a website for your app?  That’s a must!
  • Make sure and set up social channels for your app to help get the conversation going and drum up interest.  Plus; then you’ll have a built in fan base ready to go to continue the conversation once your app is out in the field for consumers to love.
  • Make sure the people trying the app are leaving reviews for you.
  • Plus many more creative ideas!  This article has 25 free ways to promote your app.

Not sure how to accomplish all of that?  Need some help?  No problem.  We can help with that too.  As you can see from the bullet points listed; there is a lot that goes into the lead up of your app marketing prior to even starting the project. The idea being; you want to build a foundation and a buzz before you even finish the app and work out the kinks.

Wrapping things up….

As you can see the process really is as simple as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Protect your idea with a Patent Attorney.
  2. Get a company to develop your app for you.
  3. You can also get help marketing your app.

Will you be the latest tech millionaire with the hottest app on the market?  Maybe, you never know unless you try.

See more

Don’t Wait to Protect Your Ideas.