Vitascope Invention Used in First Movie Theatres

In the late 1800’s the inventions of still photography and celluloid photographic film helped to create a climate in which a number of inventors began to direct their creative efforts to the invention and development of the next photographic step: motion pictures. In 1895 two inventors, Charles Jenkins and Thomas Armat invented a motion picture […]

Four Features of the “First to File” System

1. New System: From “first to invent system” to the “first to file system.” “The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, signed into law on September 16, 2011, profoundly changes the U.S. patent system by awarding patents to the first inventor to file an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Thus, in order to protect […]

Orange Crush Trademark Infringement

Orange Crush Trademark Infringement

A synthetic cannabis called Cush produced by “Sky Hi Blends” in Arizona is now sold at some delis and convenience stores in Buffalo, New York.  Buffalo city officials want it off the shelves. The Dr. Pepper Snapple Group own Orange Crush and think it is trademark infringement. They demand that the name and logo is […]

Steve Jobs’ Inventions Changed the World

Steve Jobs started a small computer company called Apple with his friend Steve Wozniak back in 1976 and it grew into one of the richest companies of all time. Why? Because the products they produced were “insanely great.” From the first self-contained Mac computers with the monitor and computer tower melded together to the iPod […]

Inventions of Steve Jobs Define Us

Steve Jobs revolutionized our world through his inventions. There are very few inventors in the world that give us devices that change the way we live. There are not many households in the world that don’t have some form of technology created by Apple. My house is littered with almost every generation of iPod, the […]

Inventors Hall of Fame: Wilson Greatbatch

Wilson Greatbatch was an inventor from Buffalo who I met twice in my life. As a Buffalo, New York patent attorney I am a member of the Niagara Frontier Intellectual Property Law Association (NFIPLA) and he was an attendee at the annual dinner which honors the inventor of the year. He was the first person […]

Patents Show Birth of The Electronic Age

The Electronics Age began as far back as the late 1800’s and, like many major advances in civilization, was the result of the separate efforts of a number of individuals whose actions, collectively, set the stage for change. In this case the stage for change was set primarily by 4 individuals whose creative actions took […]

President Obama Signs the America Invents Act

President Obama signed the American Invents Act at Thomas Jefferson High School in Alexandria, Virginia on September 16, 2011. The new patent law will replace the current “first to invent” system with a “first inventor to file” system. So now it is more important than ever to be the first person to file a patent […]

Obama Makes the “America Invents Act” Law

The Patent Reform Bill that everybody has been waiting for has been signed into law. President Obama visited Thomas Jefferson High School For Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia, and signed the American Invents Act into law. This bill changes the United States patent system from a “first to invent” system with a “first inventor […]

PatentHome Makes It Easy For Inventors

Hello everyone, my name is Brendan Lillis, Registered Patent Attorney out of Buffalo, New York, and co-founder of PatentHome. We are a full-service intellectual property law firm, which means we specialize in all things related to patents, trademarks, and copyrights. It is our goal to help protect your ideas, while providing excellent one-on-one service and […]