President Obama Signs the America Invents Act

President Obama signed the American Invents Act at Thomas Jefferson High School in Alexandria, Virginia on September 16, 2011. The new patent law will replace the current “first to invent” system with a “first inventor to file” system.

So now it is more important than ever to be the first person to file a patent application. Nobody can say you did not invent it if you’re the first person to file a patent application.

But is this good for the independent inventor? Or is it good for the big Corporation? Independent inventors are strapped by cash constraints, inability to manufacture and distribute a product. Big companies have the ability to race to the patent office and file applications as soon as they come up with new ideas.

That’s why now it’s more important than ever for inventors to have the ability to file a patent application quickly and inexpensively. If an inventor loses the race to the patent office they will most likely lose their rights to get a patent and protect their idea.


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