The USPTO Has A Facebook Page

The official United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Facebook page promises to deliver the latest USPTO news, photos and videos.

Through Facebook the USPTO will directly connect with the public and the intellectual property community.

According to David Kappos the USPTO’s Facebook page is meant provide

“a place where users can tell US what YOU think. Users are encouraged to comment on our posts and tell us what you “like” and “dislike” about to the USPTO.”

The Invent Blog reported that under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO David Kappos said:

“Technology has profoundly impacted the way we all consume information and communicate with one another… “I’m confident our Facebook presence will complement the USPTO Web site as a means of communicating and connecting with the public and our stakeholders in the intellectual property community.

With more than 400 million people on Facebook, we knew it was an important place for us to be.”

USPTO Director David Kappos welcomes Facebook users with the following message:

Welcome to the USPTO’s page on Facebook! We’re excited to be launching this forum to communicate with you and share the latest news from the USPTO. We know thousands of innovators, members of the intellectual property practice community, and USPTO employees are active on Facebook, so we’re pleased to be able to bring information and updates to you here…

Check back here daily, as we will be providing regular updates including press releases and other news, details on upcoming events, speeches, updates from my blog, photos, video, fun facts and more. Just like checking your Facebook page, we hope visiting our page will become part of your daily routine.

The USPTO’s Facebook page is a supplemental page to the official USPTO web page. It makes you think, doesn’t everyone need a Facebook page? I enjoy connecting  with over 1000 long lost friends from the good ole days at my  Vincent LoTempio facebook page and I launched a page for my law office at Kloss, Stenger & LoTempio, although  I have to admit there has not been much action there. But I love this social networking. Everyone is getting involved.

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